VAT on Disbursements

VAT on Disbursements

Q: I am an IT consultant, operating through a VAT registered UK company. I am supplying consultancy services to another UK IT business. I have incurred hotel, travel and meal expenses, and charging these on to the company i am supplying services to. Can I treat these...
VAT on Disbursements

VAT on Entertainment

Business entertainment: Business entertainment is the entertainment provided by a business/company to people other than employees. An example of this is the entertainment provided to customers. If it is provided to employees of the company or if it is not provided...
VAT on Disbursements

VAT on Entertaining Expenses

VAT cannot be recovered on business entertainment expenditure. This includes the gratuitous provision to customers or clients of hotel accommodation, food and drink or tickets to events. If a director or employee entertains a customer or client whilst away from the...

VAT late filing penalties

VAT returns are made quarterly in the majority of cases, but there are monthly and annual schemes. You must file your VAT return online by the end of the month plus 7 calendar days of the period end. For example for a quarter ended in May, you must file your VAT...
VAT on Disbursements

VAT on Motor Expenses

The treatment of car motor expenses for VAT purposes can be quite complex. Car Leasing You are normally only permitted to reclaim 50% of the input tax for the cost of car leasing regardless of the price of the car. However this restriction does not apply if the...
VAT on Disbursements

Tour Operators Margin Scheme (TOMS)

The information provided in this article shows how you must account for VAT if you buy-in and re-sell travel facilities as a principal or an undisclosed agent (that is, acting in your own name). TOMS is the special name given to businesses that buy-in and re-sell...